Happy 1st Birthday, Pure Sprinkles!!
I can not BELIEVE it’s been a year! Where has the time gone?! I don’t have the words to express my emotions in reaching this very special milestone. Except to say it fills my heart with so much pride and joy.
Thinking back to a year ago when this blog was just an idea stewing in my mind for so long, aching to come to life but always waiting for the right time to do it. Then one day, realizing there is no right time to do anything in life, that right time is now. To go for your dreams and not hold back. That you have nothing to lose, only to gain. The only way you can lose is by not trying. I realized I didn’t want to let another day go by without making my dream come to life and live with the regret of not trying.
So chose February 14 as that special day to let that dream finally take flight and come to fruition. And I am ever so glad that I did. It has truly changed my life. It has helped me grow as a person, develop new skills, and do things I never knew I could do.
To step out of my comfort zone and be out in the public eye, sharing my story and recipes was daunting as I am essentially sharing such personal things with the world. However, I ultimately decided that it was all worth it if the blog could help someone and positively impact their lives. It is all I truly want even today, and honestly, it is still the driving force that keeps propelling me forward with the blog. To help others through this blog and sprinkle some pure goodness into people’s lives through food :).
What was most unexpected, but I am most grateful for, is all the fantastic people I have connected with because of Pure Sprinkles. I had always thought about how my recipes would reach people through the food, but never thought about how I would connect with so many people on a personal level.
So I want to say a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you. Pure Sprinkles would not be where it is today without all your love, support, kind words, messages, comments, likes, and I am so incredibly grateful.
I want to say a special thank you to my friends and family (you know who you are) who have been there since the beginning and encouraged me to create this blog. Many who have helped me along the way in so many ways, and for all your love and support, I couldn’t have done this without you.
I also want to say a special thank you to the incredible people I have met through Pure Sprinkles. I feel so grateful and happy to call you my friends now :). You have been such tremendous support to me this past year with all your likes, comments, messages, reposts, shares, and I can’t thank you enough.
A very special mention to Camino for all their support on my posts; I am so grateful. As well a big thank you to Chandler Honey for collaborating on the Lemon Cranberry Muffins recipe!
Happy Birthday, dear Pure Sprinkles. I am excited to see where the blog will go in 2022 and all that it will bring! I also look forward to creating and sharing more content with you!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
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